Slime Clime Devblog #2

Hey again! Trucy here,

I had vastly underestimated how much time it would take for me to produce enough assets and menus, as well as coding. Hence why I’m going to try to keep my regular updates to the build to every 2 weeks, or twice a month.

If it wasn’t for my iPad allowing me to work in bed, I would not have been able to make all the art I did in the one week. My biggest challenge this build was coding in the enemy class to destroy the player.

My next goal is to program in the death animation before the player is destroyed by a spike enemy, as well as produce a few more levels.

Somewhere along the road I’m also going to add different skins that look like my pet hedgehogs because I need to immortalize my precious daughters in every work I ever create.

Stay tuned for more slimey fun! You can check out the game here on my
