Slime Clime Devblog #1

Heya! Trucy here.

After hearing about Construct 3 from a friend, I decided to give it a go to try and make a simple “get from point A to point B” platformer. So here’s Slime Clime!

Slime Clime by Trucy (

I’ve tried and failed to learn and apply my C# coding skills, but my brain doesn’t jive with the logic as much as it does with Construct’s visual scripting. I was really happy when I was able to put things together the way I wished I could in Unity. :(

I just put together a quick prototype for the player to feel the physics, restart on death and basic controls.

Next Steps:

Menu design and level design. I’m going to post another build when my menus are done, and the first few levels are designed and fully implemented.

Be back next week!
